Change to issuing numbered tickets
Thanks to you, we have many customers visiting our restaurant, and we are unable to seat you immediately from opening time until around 3pm .
Starting February 1, 2024, the method for arranging the order in which customers are seated will be changed from a name-writing system to a numbered ticket issuing system .
The procedure is as follows : 1. Issue a numbered ticket → 2. Purchase a meal ticket .
Please make sure to keep your number ticket and meal ticket with you and hand them over immediately when you are guided to your seat.
Our staff will assist you in the order you order, so please cooperate.
Please note that the order may change depending on the number of people attending. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
*Please note that if you lose your number ticket (including if it was not issued when you visited the store), it will have to be reissued and your queue will be delayed.