Yuzu for a while...
Please wait until early autumn to add it to Chinese noodles, wonton noodles, etc.
Yuzu for a while...
Please wait until early autumn to add it to Chinese noodles, wonton noodles, etc.
Number issuing machine operation procedure
These are the operating procedures for the number issuing machines that will be introduced during peak hours from February 1, 2024.
Number issuing machine operation procedure
These are the operating procedures for the number issuing machines that will be introduced during peak hours from February 1, 2024.
Change to issuing numbered tickets
Starting February 1, 2024, Taikaiken Moroyama store will use a numbered ticket issuing system to organize seating arrangements when it is crowded.
Change to issuing numbered tickets
Starting February 1, 2024, Taikaiken Moroyama store will use a numbered ticket issuing system to organize seating arrangements when it is crowded.
LINE integration is convenient
Instead of email, we will send you information such as online shop points via LINE.
LINE integration is convenient
Instead of email, we will send you information such as online shop points via LINE.
Requests when using AmazonPay for gift payments
When using Amazon Pay for gift payments, Please enter the sender's (your) address, name, phone number, and email address in the "Order Notes" section on the product cart page.
Requests when using AmazonPay for gift payments
When using Amazon Pay for gift payments, Please enter the sender's (your) address, name, phone number, and email address in the "Order Notes" section on the product cart page.
Further price cuts for "Ikinari Regular Delivery"
With this price change, the "Ikinari Regular Delivery" is now the cheapest way to purchase products at the Taikaiken official online shop.
Further price cuts for "Ikinari Regular Delivery"
With this price change, the "Ikinari Regular Delivery" is now the cheapest way to purchase products at the Taikaiken official online shop.